Some Bruneians are sooooooooooo SETUPID!!! when there is a road accident..Gaaaaaaaahhh!! *banging the steering wheel* (mental ahaha)..
Why do they have to go slow and look at the accident kn?they don't even go down to help juz mliat gnya and then bjln th 2..(S.K.Y th bnar huhu)..
Mcm tD there's a road accident di kawasan Kupang & the road got stuck for miles (aku describe it as 200-300 batu <= kes mntal aha)..I thought the accident ane is really bad and arah tangah jln..well it's a bit pretty bad plng. One of the car msuk longkang while the other one lagi got severe damage d dpnnya..tpikn,the thing is..IT'S AT THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!!! where the flow of the traffic a2 is not really affected if the OTHERS INDA BUSYBODY MLIAT THE ACCIDENT..mun menolong baik jua ane jln trus..
When I got near to the accident scene, I was like "This is it!?"..this is it that's been causing the loooonggg que mcm mnunggu kn mnchop imegresen d Kuala Lurah..*getting out of the car and kicking some cars & swearing at the others yg mnyibuk tpi na menolong a2 &,& msuk blik dlm kereta*...hahaha na deh that's just my imagination :p..I would like to do that but then kna aku plg kna umban ke longkang krg ahaha..if I was using a bulldozer that tym, I would probably run over all of them psl luan busybody a2 aha..
bah2 that's all for now..
this is me singing out..
(*drive safely hehe*)
Been going to Bukit Shahbandar lately..
Every friday and sunday morning to be exact...(yup early in the morning)..
Round 1:
Me: must I come too mom? (-_-") huhu..
Mom: Mesti klau nda siapa yg bawa the kids??...*kna glare*..
*ding ding aku kna K.O in the 1st round ahaha*
Na deh..I've been meaning to go jua wah hee,trying to gain back my fitness here~..It's been a while since I did any sport or even come here to jog due to the busy-ness of uni's life huhu..
The kids yg ikut..
Anw, this is me singning off..
Last Sunday we went braya-ing to rmh bakal bini cuzen ku ahaha..apa nda bakal bini,sa2 family bah bjln ksna..
Set out from home at around 1 p.m (jnji melayu pkul 12 ahaha)..the rain was still pouring at dat time since the day before-nya..caya hujannya non-stop dri saturday mrning (kn midday) til sunday afternoon..sna-sni wah jD sungai trus huhu..*out of topic aha*..
We used 4 cars,my dad's honda,my cousin's mazda,my aunt's getz and my mum's sirion (driven by me)..On the highway kmi sped around 120 km/hr and above..awal2 te-ikut plg eyh sirion aa,lps a2 mengambun yo uleh my dad ama my cuzn ahaha *(-_-")*..luan laju a2, yatah kmi smpai pun luan awal,jnji dtg 2.30,kul 2 lalu kmi smpi huhu..didn't take any pics tym dsna though.
After that it's shopping tym~..yeah ryt,like I enjoy dat part very mch huhu (yup dat's the only house yg kmi pegi)..There's always something abt KB town dat made me attracted to it..sure it doesn't look like Gadong or Qlap or even BSB for that matter but it seems lyk I feel comfortable being here (na ku tau mcmmna kn xplen g hehe)..the town got a laidback feel to it & lh relax wah atmospherenya (not including some of the ppl yg ada d sna) &,& I noticed ders a lot of foreigners hanging out here too (not the ones yg bnyk bjurit d bandar and yayasan a2,not even a hint of them here),but org putih,niggas and the likes hehe..nice blend of locals and foreigners I might say..on the negative side, ders isn't much choice here &,& the things r mostly EXPENSIVE ckit..well,Miri is always nearby huhu..
Anw, dats all for now..this is me signing off..*white t-shirt girl~ u make me thinking ("hanya memuji")*..dat ur cute huhu :p..
I went to Jerudong beach again this evening..alone..
Yeah I know..some ppl might say I'm weird..some might say "Jiwang jo ko?" aha..some might say dat I'm emo or gay or some other stuffs..idk and idc..and to those who thinks that only gays or emos do this kind of stuffs, think again man and open up ur mind..I just get annoyed sometimes when ppl seemed to relate the things u do as the stuffs done by gays only (can I kick these ppl in the ass??) ahaha na lh just joking..although I would like to do it kadang2 huhu :p..
Anw,back to the story i called goin to the beach a2 as "relaxing and calming my mind"..tym aku ksna a2,it seems that I was the only local d sna..feels like mcm at a foreign beach plg huhu..mna nda yg ku tnampak only "indons" and "ling-ka's"..
Kn d jadikan cerita, ada dua org ling-ka ane bru dtg, they looked kind of arabian to me though huhu, one of them asked whether I haf "ciggies" or not,so aku bgi lah..then ia tnya whether aku neh "indon" or apah..I was thinking like "kurang asam jua ling-ka ane pkirnnya aku indon,ku tulak plg krg ke laut aa" ahaha..
Then, when the azan maghrib came, the ling-ka that I was talking abt went down at the bottom of the rocks near the beach, I thought he was doin his "business" (u noe hehe)..when he came up he chose a flat rock and guess what he's doing?..Ya smbhyng rupanya..My reaction was between "wow" and "oookaaee",then again (being a person yg sometimes yg dnt noe how to react at times) I'm not sure how to react jua tym a2 aha..rupanya ya ke bwh 2 ngambil wudhu (luruskah 2?)..and,and it was my first tym seeing dpn2 ppl smbhyng arh pantai..I have to say it does left me with a profound effect..I mean,if I'm a muslim I would probably go & smbhyng near the ocean too (better put that on my wishlist huhu)..I tried to take the pics tpi na nmpak (mklumlh hp ku classic x aa aha)..
anw,that's all for now..
this is me signing off..
Last weekend Formula 1 has officially arrived and shooked the grounds of the city of probably cause some heart attacks too due to its deafening sounds (arh urg2 tuanya..ahaha apakan)..
The event was of majestic proportion where they raced under the starry night-sky and with the stunning view of Singapore as its background..It was the first formula 1 race to be held at night and also the first street race in Asia, that's two first for Singapore..
There was never a dull moment in the was action-packed all the way from the front-runners all the way to the cars at the back of the grid..It was unpredictable too..
Two teams expected to excel here, Ferrari and Mclaren failed to shine as both drivers from Mclaren can only finished 3rd (Hamilton) and 11th (Kovalainen)..the Ferraris had one car got crashed (Raikonnen) and the other one had a less than impressive race (Massa)..
Other than it is being unpredictable and a fun race to watch..It was also a gud race for the Williams F1 team (team ku support toh aha)..both drivers were in point scoring position..Rosberg dpt podium finish at no 2 despite kna bgi 10 seconds stop-go penalty, lau na no.1 x sdh eyh hmph (first time in a long while hehe) and Nakajima dpt no 8 (last scoring position hehe)..and Alonso came in 1st here (well, I'm sure a certain someone would be happy abt that 2 aa hehe :p)..Williams F1 are not competitive enough all this season,so seeing them scoring points was nice seems like drg ane street race specialist,they seems to get gud results in street circuits..and it was nice seeing other drivers dpt no 1 instead of Ferraris and Mclarens (I hate Hamilton!!)..
Rosberg overtaking Trulli's Toyota
Alonso celebrating his win with the team
*photos obtained from, and
Last friday..which is not on Friday but on thursday nite or on thursdy mlmnya..or whatever u wana call it hehe..I followed the guys of "BCT" (which is my cuz club) to the indoor stadium..they said sna ada gathering keta and they were invited..The gathering was organised by Wangan_Drift Club..
So..aku yg na beketa neh pun ikut menyibuk wif drg ahaha..
Lately I've been reading a couple of blogs from the Bruneian stdents yg study abroad especially the ones yg stdy in UK..
(sigh) I envy them after reading all their blogs talking abt their life in the UK aa hehe..
It's not that aku sngaja cri drg pnya blog tpi aku just stumble upon one of them while I was browsing the net..and then I stumbled upon another one,and another one and it goes on and on huhu..
I am sure that one day I will too go abroad to further my day..some day hehe..
Coz I know I'm cut-out for this and I know that I am capable of succeeding in doing so, and, and I'm destined to go there (ahaha okae2 over aku aa).. yeah I know I have too much believe in my own ability hehe's just that I've been throwing away a lot of chances of studying abroad when I should've taken it..nevertheless,I'm sure it's only a matter of time or even a matter of whether that opportunity ever comes up again..apakan yg aku merepek neh ahaha..
I know my time in ITB neh is my last and only chance of realising that've been trying my best lh neh..although lately "my best" a2 was not enough huhu..I'll tell about them some other time..
Have to improve..have to improve hehe..
anw, this is me signing off..
Been having headache this couple of days and it couldn't come at a much worser time with phase tests coming thick and fast this week..
It already prevented me from revising for my engineering maths phase test which is tdi..although I did okae (just okae hehe)..I know that I could probably do better if it isn't for this d**n headache (opps explicit word ahaha)..but really really lh,i noe i can do better (sigh)..
I didn't perform well on my presentation yesterdy coz of this headache, den the maths phase test this morning..and as of now, I'm still not fully recovered lagi (probably around 70% lah bru)..and I have comm skill phase test lagi esuk and then on saturdy ada test digital electronics and maths cad..
I've already taken 2 painkillers sdh (panadol plg gnya tu..aku sja ja use the name painkiller supaya pro ckit bnyinya ahaha)..blh ku mkn 6 biji kh lagi ah?biar msuk hospital trus huhuhu..nadalh I'm not that stupid hehe..
Talking abt test ane kn..Never b4 in my life have I've felt down juz for doing badly in tests..but datz what i really felt when I did badly for my EEP test last tym around..sal,like I said lst tym the marks a2 kna kira for the end of year marks kn..yatah kind of bgi sasak lh,tmbh th lagi mliat urg stress out psl test drg,aku pn kut stress lh jua ahahaa..
bah adang talking about that stuff..mcm blik2 gnya ku ckp a2 huh..
okae den..diz is me signing off..
what the heck did i juz typed??
ahaha sja ja..
buang stress lps buat assignmnt..;p
Never b4 that i think marks of tests and assigmnts was important..and never that i think it is going to be important..but that all change once aku msuk ITB..and YES,IT IS IMPORTANT!!..
For me, klau dulu..assignmnts and tests are only for me to rvise and to test my undrstandng,i dnt even care mch abt the marks pslnya dulu a2 the end of year exams are the only results that least that's what i think and that's wat i thought it's going to be..but boy,was i wrong aha..
The marking system here in ITB is kinda different..evry marks yg kmu obtained,every phase tests that u sit in..smua a2 kna kira utk ur end of semester result to determine whether u progress to the next semester or na..or even worst,got expelled :S huhu..
I kind of like it plg this way..kind of plg 2 sja aa,bknnya i like it entirely huhu(who doesnt aha)'s like mcm it requires u to be rajin everytime instead of only jdi rjin time kn final year xm (yeap..dats used to be my style huhu..heck,its the style of most stdnts I know aha)..that I said, it means that I have to be 'rjin' everyday of the year lah neh to change frm now on~~ ;)..
Anw, this is me signing off..
It's been a while since I last post anything on this blog..sorry abt dat hehe..
As u know, i've already startd my stdy in ITB for my 2 & 1/2 years course (bangas sdh cerita aa ahaha)..Yatah my life is pretty hectic currently hehe,mcm schedule ku 2 packed everyday...well,na plg packed bcoz of sdty memanjang huhu..ntah aa,mcm ada2 sha kn d buat evrydy a2..
it's like mcm ders even a tym where aku na liat tv or even play video games for the whole one week a2..probably even more than a week hehe..f ppl d rmh ane noticed yg aku na mnjangkau game, drg probably be heran,coz not seeing me main game a2 is ganjil aahaha (considering yg ak ane a gaming freak)..even man utd ada blwn pun na lgi ku tliat aa..dats hw bz my life is ryt now huhu..yatah blog neh pn na ku update (kes malas plg bnrnnya ahaha ;p)..
everyday bz..tpikn,yg turns out dat i'm enjoying diz,suka ku plg bz cemani aa..ntah aku pn na to knapa..mcm rajin plg ku ulehnya huhu,na ku pnh2 rjin cemani ani..even tym my early days in MD pn ku na rajin cemani huhu..
anw,datz all for now..diz is me signing out.
Last tym I told u dat i've change my original template into a new customized template..turns out the template that i was using is of an (.html) format. From what i have just learned, this website has already change the format of it's blog templates from .html format to .xml format..and i've also notice that there aren't a lot .xml format templates being made yet..the current website can't recognise the old .html format codes, that's why some of the tmplates on offer on the web don't work, bcoz some of them are in the .html format..apakan ku ckp putar belit ane ahaha..
U can still use the .html format template though by clicking the "Revert to classic version" link or smthng like dat arh tempat the "Edit HTML" tab..but by doing so, u can't easily customise ur blog and, and some of the widgets on offer by the new .xml format blog nada on the classic version..therefore wif this in mind, aku trpksa ubah my blog tmplate again..ngaleh ku mnukar2 codingnya 2 last tym uwaaa~ :'( ..but what to do kan, it feels like i'm missing out some of the good stuffs on offer on the new format hehe..
It also turned out dat the coding is a bit differnt too, and i'm still trying to learn about it anw..i'm gonna customise smthng as soon as i get familiar with the codings huhu..
alrite, that's all for now..
this is me signing out..
Date: 29th June 2008
Venue: Serasa beach
Finally, after a long awaited delay, reunion day has come..
Day strted out wif me waking up at around 6.30 a.m to get ready (yes i haf to wake up dat early huhu)..
- Arrived at Sengkurong Petrol Station at around 7.30 a.m., diz is the meeting plce 4 me and Jab (psl ya na to jln ahaha ;p)..
- Kluar dri simpng and we travel at a high speed of 60km/ kidding!! was a slow-mo progress frm der to bandar..i thought c jab ndang jln plhan cema2 ;p, rpnya ia pkir aku yg plhan ane aha..
- Clashed wif Chengko coming out of simpang Mentiri..kmi convoy ke pantai Serasa..
- C Jab limpas simpang msuk pantai ahaha (sory abt dat Jab)..
- arrived at the beach around 9 a.m..thinking dat aine might be mad at us psl kmi lmbt sl jnji dtg pkul 8 ++,skali rupanya~ spanah yg dtg dulu?ahaha..
- The day goes by wif kmi waiting 4 the BBQ utk msak and ceta2 memanjang..
Well..all i can say is dat it's nice to see dat the HBO's can still connect wif each other..i mean masih lagi sekepala mcm dulu..we joked around, we laughed, we tell stories, we had fun and "mngumpat" the whole day ahaha..yeah,dats a favourite past time..
- The reunion was not really as eventful as it should be..but it was okay enough hehe..
- supposed to go home around 5, tpi otw blik a2 singgah kjp ke pantai Jerudong (pntai jua huhu)..msg Aine and drg c Jab bwa drg lepak kjp (kira liat sunset lah 2 ahaha)..
- went home at around 8..
- a tiring but eventful day huhu..
p/s: sorry guys nada gmbr kn ku offer..check out aine's blog or even jab..mnato drg ada gmbar hehe..
this me signing off..
I've recently changed my blog template into a new one...
But instead of choosing one of the original templates already on offer,i haf chosen a differnt kind of template..
The one yg msT copy and paste the codes arh tempat 'Edit HTML' ah..
Yatah since i saw the CSS codes a2,i've decided to experimnt wif was kinda fun experimentng wif the codes using the 'trial and error' method hehe..i mean it's been a while since i've done any programming or coding ane..the last tym i did it is way back tym ku form 3 using QBasic..(lama jua sdh toh ahaha).. turns out its kinda easy (yeah rite ahaha..adalah ckit2 gnya)
Check out at the bottom right page,the one dat says "this blog is pimped & modified by fizzo the babyfaced assassin"..i've inserted the codes for dat one,aha kmbng aku ah a2pn kn dgto..i also change some codes of the colour and also the arrangemnt of the words and change the 'posted by' words into 'engraved by' ..but i still haf prblms wif the position of the adsense thingy ku suka ya kna simpan d atas aa (right below the topic),i haf to somehow figure it out on how to change the position of the adsense thingy arh tmpt lain (hmm)..
anw,dats it frm me..
this is me signing out..
Well..emm..i guess this is my first post on this blog..
Juz got this blog created at around 1.00 a.m just now..i'm still not familiar wif the features and layouts on this site..soo yeah,this page is going to be kinda amateur-ish ahaha..or will cntinue on to be amateur-ish until when-when ahaha buruk 2 english.. tell u guys the truth i'm not really sure if aku dpt keep on updating and maintaining this new blog of mine aha..but i'll try my best..'s getting late sudah hehe..
gotta get some sleep den..
this me signing off..
My World
.jpg)
Myself and I
- Fizzo The Ordinary Guy
- -A person who is not perfect and haf flaws of his own, but he is also a person who is trying to evolve, improve and strive to achieve the best he could in life..