1st Roadblock of the year & my 1st time ahaha...  

Posted by Fizzo The Ordinary Guy in

Date : 2nd January 2009
Time : 1 a.m ish'
Place : dpn simpang masuk ban 3 kh or apah..

Yup2..it was my 1st..tried not to panic ahaha and did well~..
Was expecting kna lps x nya kna tahan psal shade d blakang aa ahaha sitt..
Kna srh msuk arh smpng jln ban 3 2 and buka shade aa and,and kna minta license and ic (like they always do)..
Aku payah2 cari license ku ahahah..took me more than 3-4 mins or mayB 5 heheh..
smpi kn ku tpksa bgi resit lesen L ku dlu smntara ku mncari license ku..smpi ku tbgi resit xm 'A'-level..aku rasa pak polisi 2 pun bangang lh mliat aku mbgi resit aa ahahaha...
I kept my calm plg all the way a2 hahaha sitt...
Bek jua kna srh buka sha & na kna saman hohoh..
Owh btw ainee..f u'r reading this I passed by ur simpang at dat time hohoho....

allryt..that's all for now..


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