
Posted by Fizzo The Ordinary Guy in , ,

Some Bruneians are sooooooooooo SETUPID!!! when there is a road accident..Gaaaaaaaahhh!! *banging the steering wheel* (mental ahaha)..

Why do they have to go slow and look at the accident kn?they don't even go down to help juz mliat gnya and then bjln th 2..(S.K.Y th bnar huhu)..

Mcm tD there's a road accident di kawasan Kupang & the road got stuck for miles (aku describe it as 200-300 batu <= kes mntal aha)..I thought the accident ane is really bad and arah tangah jln..well it's a bit pretty bad plng. One of the car msuk longkang while the other one lagi got severe damage d dpnnya..tpikn,the thing is..IT'S AT THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!!! where the flow of the traffic a2 is not really affected if the OTHERS INDA BUSYBODY MLIAT THE ACCIDENT..mun menolong baik jua ane jln trus..

When I got near to the accident scene, I was like "This is it!?"..this is it that's been causing the loooonggg que mcm mnunggu kn mnchop imegresen d Kuala Lurah..*getting out of the car and kicking some cars & swearing at the others yg mnyibuk tpi na menolong a2 &,& msuk blik dlm kereta*...hahaha na deh that's just my imagination :p..I would like to do that but then kna aku plg kna umban ke longkang krg ahaha..if I was using a bulldozer that tym, I would probably run over all of them psl luan busybody a2 aha..

bah2 that's all for now..
this is me singing out..

(*drive safely hehe*)



Posted by Fizzo The Ordinary Guy in

WG~~~ \o/ (sigh)...hehe apakan..(-_-")
